Cast Your Ballot for the 2011 Women in Poker Hall of Fame

The fourth annual Women in Poker Hall of Fame (WiPHOF) will induct two qualified women to its prestigious ranks on September 2nd, 2011, at the Golden Nugget Casino in Downtown Las Vegas. This prestigious organization has been embraced by the poker world with good reason. The contributions and excellence the inductees possess are worthy of recognition.

“There was an outpouring of nominations this year. In fact, there was some serious campaigning going on because we have never had so many nominations cast in one year” Said Lupe Soto, Founder of the Women in Poker Hall of Fame. “We had to take a different approach this year… there were several qualified nominations and we had to cut it off somewhere. So we took the top 50% of the nominations to add to the ballot.”

The 2011 WiPHoF nominees are Phyllis Caro, Nani Dollison, Kristy Gazes, Margie Heintz and JJ Liu. All qualified nominees and all have considerable followings. You can learn about these phenomenal women and cast your vote at Voting will remain open until July 30th and induction announcements will be made in August 7th, 2011.

Taking the reins for the second time at the ceremonies is Women in Poker Hall of Famer Jan Fisher, with special guest speaker, Founder of Federated Sports & Gaming, Jeffrey Pollack. The WiPHoF dinner and ceremony is the launch event for the US Ladies Poker Championship weekend being held Sept 2nd-5th, 2011 at Golden Nugget Casino.

ABOUT WOMEN IN POKER HALL OF FAME – The Women in Poker Hall of Fame, founded in 2008, honors prominent women who have made significant contributions to the poker world.

Filed Under: Women in Poker


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